bahsid mclean holding head of tanya byrd video

 bahsid mclean holding head of tanya byrd video

The 23-year-old man, Bahsid McLean, is accused of murdering his 45-year-old mother Tanya Byrd and dismembering her body. Cops discovered gruesome photos of the man and his mother on the man's cell phone.

McLean wore a dark plastic trash container to court on Friday and made a few outburstsHe is on self destruction watch and hadn't been taking his medicine, his legal counselor said. Darcel Clark, the Bronx District Attorney, stated in a statement: After fatally stabbing his mother, the defendant chillingly took pictures with her mutilated body." He went on to say that McLean faced a lengthy prison sentence. In February 2013, McLean-Smith's oldest son, Bahsid McLean, murdered and dismembered McLean-Smith's sister Tanya Byrd. He was hitched to Vera McLean at that point, yet as per McLean's sister, Porsche Lovett, his significant other changed her name to Zarah Coombs after the wrongdoing.

McLean-Smith said she just found out about the lethal beating of the young man by means of a Saturday morning call from an old colleague. She had just seen Zamair once, when the kid was under a year old, and will presently never see him from this point onward, she said.

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