Real Madrid Vinicius Junior Sent Off After Facing Racist Abuse At Valencia.

 Real Madrid Vinicius Junior Sent Off After Facing Racist Abuse At Valencia.

Vinicius pointed out fans to the referee who, he claimed, had racially abused him, causing the game at the Mestalla to be stopped for ten minutes in the second half. The Brazilian kept playing, but he got into a fight with Valencia players and was kicked out in the final minute. Since moving to Spain five years ago, the Black Vincius, who is 22 years old, has been the target of racist abuse.

It is not yet clear what move will be made, and by which specialists, following one more tumultuous apparatus in the Spanish first class that has seen the division stand out as truly newsworthy for too many wrong reasons. "There is no point in talking about football today," Real manager Carlo Ancelotti told Movistar Plus. "I don't want to talk about football today." "What we witnessed today is inadmissible. I told the referee that he should have stopped the game despite the entire stadium chanting racial slurs." Vinicius is exceptionally miserable, he is irate. Something like this can't occur on the planet we live in."

On the screen at Mestalla, a message said to tell fans not to throw things onto the field. It additionally cautioned fans not to 'affront' players. Ancelotti said he requested that the arbitrator stop the match, however was informed that the convention was to initially make a declaration to fans, then, at that point, make an other move in the event that the issue proceeded.

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