Watch Nikki Catsouras Death Video Video

 Watch Nikki Catsouras Death Video

Nikki Catsouras is now immortal on the Internet. In 2006, she was a college freshman of 18 years living in California with her parents and two sisters.

The top Google search results now include images of Nikki Catsouras in her final moments. The horrific car accident has its own page on Wikipedia.

She borrowed her father's Porsche 911 Carrera, which accelerates from zero to sixty miles per hour in less than five seconds. The Porsche had never been driven by her before.

What happened to Nikki Catsouras 

Nikki passed away on October 31, 2006, right after she crashed her father's Porsche 911 Carrera.

Photos from the accident have been appearing online ever since.

Lesli recalled the startling images that these trolls were sending to us disguised as anything they could think of.

Police say that their underlying examination showed the driver of the white vehicle let completely go because of the extra tire falling flat, making them steer into cars moving the opposite direction. That is the point at which the two vehicles impacted head on.

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